Posted by on Jun 22, 2017 in Career Insights | 0 questions



Many people feel as though they do not really get as much out of their job as they probably could. If you are one of them, then it might help at least to know that there are many ways to get much more out of your job. It might be that you are stuck in a dead-end position which you don’t really care for, or maybe you are in the right place but you’re a little lacking in energy.

Whatever the case, if you follow these basic steps you will find that you get much more out of the experience, and that you are happier in your daily life as a result.

Follow The Rules

Every workplace has many rules, and these are always in place for a reason. If you are able to flow along with them as well as you can, you will probably find that it makes your work life much easier. It might be that on occasion there are one or two rules which you feel are unfair and disagree with. However, you should be aware that you always have the option to raise such concerns with your employer if you wish. But in the meantime, it is better for everyone if you follow whatever rules have been lain down.

Keep The Culture Positive

The working culture is not just something you find yourself in – you are an integral part of it, as much as anyone else. Even if you feel like you are something of a fly on the wall, you are mistaken if you think you have no effect on the atmosphere. You should do everything you can to ensure that the working culture remains as positive as possible.

This means doing your part, but also watching out for others who might not be doing theirs. If you see something which is not acceptable by your standards, there is always the option of whistleblowing. Bear in mind, however, that if you do that, you will want to lawyer up – see for more info on that. With any luck, you won’t need to do this, and your working culture will continually improve.

Take The Initiative

If you feel you are not making the most of your work, a simple way to get more out of it is to try and take the initiative. This means that, instead of just doing the work as it is assigned to you without question, you find a way to do it differently which you might find to be more effective.

This is a great way of making your work life much more interesting, and it also means that you are more likely to be appreciated and respected by your superiors. If you feel that you don’t’ do this enough at present, it is one of the most powerful changes you can make for a more enjoyable work life. Make sure you still do whatever is required of you in the normal sense as well though, otherwise it is not worth it. See for more on this.