Posted by on Mar 15, 2018 in Business | 0 questions


Warehouses can be quite dangerous workplaces. Even if your employees are trained well and know how to handle various different situations, you might still find that they are still at risk of accidents and injury. But the warehouse can be problematic for some other reasons. Thankfully, there are regular checks that you need to carry out in order to ensure that your warehouse is never putting your business at risk. Read on to find out more!


You should already have insurance for your warehouse and all the employees that work in it. However, this could need renewing on an annual basis. So, it’s really important that you regularly check your insurance policies to make sure you update it before your current one goes out of date. Otherwise, you could be uninsured which could be extremely expensive if an employee were to have an accident during this period.



Everyone who works in the warehouse needs to be aware of potential hazards and risks. They should always keep an eye out for anything that could be dangerous, such as spillages and clutter. That way, these hazards can be cleaned up and dealt with before they result in an accident.

Equipment Maintenance

It is also very important that regular checks are carried out on all of the various machinery and pieces of equipment that are used in the warehouse. That way, any issues and repairs that need carrying out can quickly be found and dealt with. For instance, a trolley might require a new caster or a wheel. In this situation, it’s important to get the old one replaced before it breaks and potentially causes one of your employees to have an accident and hurt themselves.


Vehicle Safety

If your employees drive forklift trucks around the warehouse, these should always be checked rigorously. You can then call out a specialist if there is ever anything wrong with one of the warehouse vehicles. As with any other piece of equipment that is regularly used in the warehouse, a forklift that is faulty but still being used will be a very big risk to all your workers. Not only that, though, but finding the issue before it develops into a larger problem could be a lot cheaper to fix.

Stock Checks

Your warehouse will be where you store all of your products, so this is the best place to take care of every stock check. And it is really important that you are carrying out these checks as often as possible. In fact, some companies carry one out every day! That way, there is no chance they ever run dangerously low of any of their products. Your stock takes don’t have to take too long now as there are some computer software programs that can help speed up the process.

As you can see, there are a whole host of different warehouse checks that can help save your company save a lot of cash and keep your employees and workers as safe as possible.