Posted by on Oct 23, 2017 in Business | 0 questions

So, you’ve decided that starting a business is the path that you want to go down, but the only problem is that you still don’t have a business premises. Until now you’ve been working out of a corner of your home, but now it’s starting to get to that stage where you need an actual business premises.

The question is, what premises should you opt for? Sure, you could rent a premises, but you want somewhere of your own that belongs to you and your business. However, you can’t afford to buy a conventional business premises. The good news is that there are plenty of options when it comes to unconventional business premises, it’s just a case of thinking outside of the box.

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Convert a garage

Does your home’s garage get a lot of use? The chances are that the answer is no. Which is what can make a garage such a great space to convert into a business premises. It might take some work and cost a fair bit, but a garage can easily be converted into a business space that is separate to your home, allowing you to get a better work-life balance. To get inspired for how you can transform the space, you may find sites like Pinterest a good source of inspiration. Unless you are a building pro, you may need to recruit the help of local building services, to ensure that your project goes according to plan.

Transform a vehicle

Could your business prosper from having a mobile premises? If your business could do well from being moved from place to place, then having a mobile premises could be the answer. Think old bus, van or trailer – the options are limitless. There are so many companies that have mobile business premises and do incredibly well with them. While transforming a vehicle into a business premises may seem like a time-consuming and expensive job to do, it could be more than worthwhile if it will mean that you have your own premises that can move around as and when you need it to.

Build a garden pod

Are you blessed with a large garden in your home? How about building an office pod in your garden then? Just think, you could build a business premises right in the comfort of your own home. You can choose to build a garden pod from scratch, or you can buy one ready made that simply needs putting together. What you decide to do will depend on the size of your garden and what your needs are for the space. For a larger pod, you may need to opt for a custom-made design, to ensure that it incorporates everything that you need from a business premises.

If you are in need of a business premises but can’t afford to buy a conventional one, then the ideas above could be perfect for you. Just think, by taking advantage of one of the above ideas, you can create yourself the business premises that you want and need.