Posted by on Apr 1, 2013 in Education & College | 0 questions

Deciding to pursue a career in healthcare administration has the potential to be a brilliant idea.

Demand for health care administrators is quite high right now and career experts believe that individuals in the field will be able to enjoy a great deal of job security. When you embark on your career there are some challenges you’ll need to be prepared to handle.

Creativity with Staff

Whether you work in a small clinic or a large hospital, one of the biggest challenges you’re going to face in your career will be making sure the facility is well staffed. Even though more high school students have started to pursue careers in health care, there’s still a shortage, and the budget for hiring new employees constantly seems to shrink.

Experts expect the demand for qualified medical personal to increase.  Not only will you have to come up with creative ways to entice professionals to your facility, once you have a staff you like, you need to do everything possible to keep them happy.

Keeping One Eye on the Future

The day to day running of a medical facility is challenging. It’s easy to get caught up in the present. Good administrators know that they have to be aware of the distant and immediate future.

They’re aware of how changes in medical technology, medications, and patient care will impact the way they’re currently doing things. They know how changes in staff will disrupt daily operations. By keeping one eye on the future and making plans way in advance, you’re operation will continue to run smoothly.

Communication is Key

Even though you want a staff who can handle emergencies and problems, they need to keep you in the loop. Good communication with your employees will reduce the chances of lawsuits, and ensure your facility provides the best possible patient care.

Staying on Top of Medicaid and Medicare

Medicaid and Medicare programs have been created to help make sure medical expenses get covered without compromising patient care.  These programs will have a huge impact on hospitals. While these programs help offset operating costs, healthcare administrators need to be prepared to stay on top of the paperwork generated.

The rules regarding both programs change constantly and can impact everything from the type of drugs administered to your ability to hire new staff. Keep in mind that your state has different policies than neighboring states. You need to be prepared to set aside time to attend conferences and seminars that will provide you with a better understanding of both the Medicaid and Medicare programs.

Advanced planning, determination, organization, and a willingness to be creative will help you overcome the challenges you face as a healthcare administrator.