Posted by on Jul 11, 2019 in Legal | 0 questions

Riding a bus is a convenient and generally safe form of transportation. In metropolitan areas, bus travel is preferred because of congested traffic and a lack of car ownership. Unfortunately, buses are not immune to accidents. Whether the fault is due to the bus driver, weather conditions, or another driver, injured victims have the right to seek fair compensation. 

Bus Accident Statistics

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, there were 4,889 large truck and bus accidents in 2017 alone. It is clear bus accident claims are continuing to rise across the country.

Because of the sheer size of a bus, there are certain dangers involved. Buses can take longer to come to a complete stop, and they can also tip over under certain circumstances. Knowing the steps to take after a bus accident is vital.

5 Steps to Take After a Bus Accident

There are a few different steps that should be taken after you are involved in a bus accident. Taking these steps will help to protect your rights and your ability to receive fair compensation for your injuries and damages.

1. Seeking medical care is always the most important step to take. People often make the mistake of waiting too long to seek medical care because they are not aware of the severity of their injuries due to shock. No matter how minor your injuries may seem, seeking medical attention is an integral part of protecting yourself.

2. Calling the police to the scene of the public transportation accident is also important. When a serious accident occurs, the police should be called to file a collision report. You can pick up a copy of this report and it will help in your pursuit of fair compensation.

3. If it is safe to do so, you should gather as much evidence from the scene as possible. Photos, videos, and other pieces of information will prove vital in proving liability and measurable damages. Never risk your safety to gather evidence.

4. Preserve any evidence you have, including the clothing you were wearing on the day of the accident. If any of your personal property was damaged, ensure you document the damage explicitly.

5. If you suffered severe injuries, make sure you call a lawyer who helps accident victims. Even if you feel there is no need for a lawyer, it never hurts to consult with one and determine your rights and legal options.

Should You Hire a Lawyer?

Although hiring a lawyer is certainly not required, it can sometimes be beneficial for those who have suffered serious injuries and are unsure of the steps they need to take.

Consulting with a lawyer can help to guide you in the decision process. The lawyer will work with you every step of the way and help you understand the process. Holding the responsible parties accountable is a big part of what the lawyer does.


Bus accidents can be frightening whether you are on the bus or a victim in another vehicle. Knowing your rights is essential for making important decisions in the pursuit of fair compensation. If your injuries and damages are severe, you may need to hire a lawyer to help. Hiring a lawyer may allow you to settle your injury claim faster and receive a higher settlement amount than if you go through the process alone.