Posted by on Dec 1, 2017 in Travel & Real Estate | 0 questions

The property market is one of the biggest in the world. There are so many customers from all different backgrounds, jobs and salary ranges that are trying to buy their first home and others with more life experience, trying to sell their homes. Working in the business of selling homes is a set apart from the other kinds of salesmanship required in various other jobs. The human aspect is a very big factor in how you have to approach a situation.

Bear in mind you are dealing with people that are making a phenomenally big change in their lives. Buyers and perspectives could be moving out of the city and looking somewhere to fit in and a new place which they can call home. On the other hand, you might be dealing with professionals that would like to see their property which they have just restored to gain the most attention and achieve a high sale price. For someone as the seller which could be a real estate agent working with a family home company or a hard-charging realtor looking to inject the art of persuasion into the mix to grab a sale, the key is to pursue sale from different angles.

Image by Teresa J. Cleveland

Assess and highlight features

When you’re trying to meet the demands of your clients as a realtor or real estate agent, it’s crucial to really listen to them. Be open honest and clear in all your discussions with your customers as when you’re doing with such large purchasing figures; nothing should be sugar coated. Write down what your clients really want, and what their ideal aspects of a home would be. However bring them back down to earth when discussing their options regarding their price range and limits. Therefore, those who can only afford a three bedroom home, do not wander into the realms of fantasy and list features available only in mansions etc.

Once you have discussed and fleshed out ideas and made a list of priorities go out and look for such a home which can meet their requests. When a home on the market, looks to be closely matched to what your clients would like, set up a meeting with the home owners or through their mediary. Take photographs of what you see, and especially of features that you are hunting for. This could be anything from the multiple bedrooms, the hallways, stairs and the kind of living room and dining room blend. Measurements are also key as sometimes the amount of room or rather lack of, can be compensated for by their size. Highlight the key features when you come back and assess the vibe you’re getting from your clients.

Source Joe The Goat Farmer

Stretch out and test the waters

In the modern era of home buying and selling, a real estate or realtor doesn’t have to nor should they be chasing potential customers around. By simply leaving your phone number on the advertising board of a ‘home for sale’ sign you can lure them in toward you. With their phone number now at your disposal, many interested potential customers can now be contacted through text messaging.

If the home advertised is not to their liking, you can continuously test the waters by sending them information about other homes you’re dealing with. Learn a bit more about this by reading Realty Flux Mobile Lead Capture for Real Estate. This technique also allows you to track and contact through automated texts, so you don’t have to send them one by one either. As soon as you have people who have bit the hook, you can now feed them constant updates on what you’re offering, giving you a higher chance of furthering toward a sale.

On your website, you should also have a feature that starts and or generates the lead. This can be done by asking one form of personal information, such as an email address. This may not be done if you ask too subtly, so as part of advancing through to the next page or accessing the forums or practically anything other than the normal pages, customers should have to put in their email address first. By creating a newsletter with the latest information and homes, you’re offering you keep in touch with nameless, faceless but otherwise interested buyers, again increasing your chances of making a sale.

Credit viganhajdari

Diplomacy when nearing a signature

The last few steps to securing a deal are perhaps the most difficult when it comes to people management. You will most likely always run into a client that wants to prolong a date of signing so they can have more time to think about the situation. In terms of ethics, this brings up a bit of a fork in the road. Making a sale happen is crucial to make sure you didn’t waste your time and money lining up the stars to fit the needs of the client.

However, you also don’t want to force a client’s hand as this could spur them onto having cold feet. This is when you need to put your diplomat hat on. Meet up with the client at a place of leisure such as a cafe, restaurant or even just a pub. Sit down with them and talk about all the homes you’ve seen together, the various features and why the home in question is best suited for their needs. They have obviously come this far for a reason, so almost always the last few steps that cause hesitation will be about money. But if you have done all you can to achieve a competitive price while also making a decent profit for your services, clearly lay the case out again.

A real estate agent or a realtor has to use many skills and be sensitive to various factors. The human element when buying or selling a home is incredibly powerful. Stick to an objective-based approach, nail down a home that most closely resembles the wishes of the client, and as you near the deal, calm their nerves. Signing on the dotted line looks easy when it isn’t your money being handed over, so use the art of calm and resolute persuasion to close the deal.