Posted by on Jan 29, 2015 in Education & College | 0 questions

Money. Some say it’s the root of all evil and others just want to earn a decent wage. We all strive to be the best in our career and whether we like to believe it r not, money is a huge motivation in how far we advance.

If the potential of a promotion involving more pay is on the cards, we’re motivated to work towards it. However, what happens when we find ourselves stuck in a dead-end job with no room for further advancement?

Perhaps you don’t have the qualifications to move upwards or maybe the job itself is limiting you and holding you back. Things certainly aren’t always black and white when it comes to our careers and, believe it or not, it’s never too late to completely change direction.

When you think about it, what is really stopping you from doing the job you want? What is seriously preventing you from earning more money? In some cases, maybe it is our own lack of drive and self-belief that holds us back.

With that in mind, here are some great ways to up your earnings and make a career change that could impact your life in a huge way.


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Look at your current job

First things first. You should take a long and hard look at your current job. Think about the financial climate and whether you are making enough money to get by. Could you be earning more and what can you do in order to make these changes? Sometimes we become stuck in a rut. We lose sight of our original goals and dreams. Are you in a job where you are truly happy?

Next it is time to look at the potential to move upwards in your career. Are there positions higher up in the company that you are aiming for?

If you are happy where you are, then this is great. However, most of us become quite competitive in our career and want to move to new levels of advancement and of pay. If there are no further options to progress where you are, then maybe it is time to consider a career change.

How to change your career

One of the most important things to do is to look at your talents. Do you have the current skills to get to where you need to be? It is never too late to go back to studying. Places like westlondoncollege business school make an interesting starting point when evaluating courses. Could you easily gain the skills you need to change your life? For the most part, the answer is yes.

We can usually pick up new skills easily if we put in the time and effort. It doesn’t matter about your age or capability. There is usually something out there for your specific needs.

Make a list of potential career changes and think back to what you wanted to be when you were younger. What interests you now? Is it still the same thing? If so then maybe you should re-think where you are headed. If you are a keen writer then perhaps you could start a new career as a journalist or blogger?

If you enjoy helping people then you could consider a career in healthcare or as a social worker. The possibilities are endless, and there is nothing that is out of reach.

Starting your own business

If you can’t find the perfect job to suit you, then why not start your own business? Registering as self-employed is easier than most people think. There are so many options open to you once you do this. If you have some money saved, then you could invest this into your startup costs.

You will initially need things like office space, business materials and access to a computer. A lot of self-employed people choose to work from home at first. If this is a good option for you, then remember that you can claim back various taxes for whatever you use. For example, heating costs can be claimed back. You can claim some of your electricity usages back as well as travel costs and much more.

Starting your own business means that you will be your own boss. This has its plus points and negative points. The plus points are of course that you will be able to work your preferred hours and decide your schedule. This is ideal for people with kids and family to consider.

Working from home can be a fantastic way to keep child care costs low and to generate an income for yourself. The negative points are that you will now be responsible for everything. This means you’ll need to handle your own paperwork, finances and workload.

You will need to work out your own hours, and any mistakes will come down to you. You can easily employ accountants to help you though, so don’t be disheartened.

Final thoughts

The last things to consider when planning to earn more income from any career change are:

Do you have the support of friends and family? If you have a supportive family, you might be able to move back in with your parents while you go back to school and study new skills to bring in more money. This would mean that you have no rent to worry about, and your bills are minimal. If you have a large circle of friends, perhaps some of them may be able to rent you their spare room for ‘mates rates’ to help you out.

Making industry contacts. Think about the types of industry contacts that may be useful in your planned career change. Most people are very willing to give hints and tips to anyone about how they got where they are today.

Roll with the punches. Remember to be thick skinned in your career change. Especially if you are starting again from scratch.  People may offer you constructive criticism or give you hints and tips. Don’t be afraid to take these and show willingness to learn.