Posted by on Dec 9, 2015 in Career Insights | 0 questions

Taking on a career change can be difficult. But it can be rewarding too. Here are some tips to make things easier.

Create A Plan

There are thousands of possible careers out there for you to embrace. That is both a good thing and a bad thing. It’s great to have so many things to choose between. But, at the same time, it can be overwhelming when you have so many things to consider.


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So, you should start out by making a plan. During this part of the process, you will decide exactly what you want to do and what you definitely don’t want to do. Over time, you will narrow down your options until you arrive at the career that’s right for you.

Get Motivated

When you know what you want to do, you should have some passion for it. This passion, enthusiasm and motivation can carry you a long way when it comes to starting a new career. It can push you forward and allow you to keep going when you receive initial knockbacks.

Everyone gets rejected to begin with, but you shouldn’t let this deter you. It should give you further motivation to keep on pushing until you manage to achieve exactly what you want to achieve. Learn how to turn these setbacks into a positive at


There are some jobs that you will need to retrain for before you enter. You can’t just walk into any old job without having the necessary skills and qualifications. Not all jobs will require you to retrain, but it’s best to do some research so you can find out whether or not you’ll need to.

Don’t make any assumptions or you might end up disappointed. Retraining can cost money, and it will mean that it will be longer before you start earning money. But it could set you on the path to a great career. So, visit Everblue LEED AP Everblue Training for more information.

Use Transferrable Skills

If you have some skills that you developed in your old career, you should think about how they can be applied to your new one. This gives you a base from which to launch your new career. Being able to transfer skills from your old career to a new one is not always possible.

But if you can, it should help you to get a new job. It proves to employees that you’re not a complete novice and that you do have some experience that will stand you in good stead when taking on your new job.

Gain Some Experience

It can be incredibly difficult to move into a new career when you’ve been doing the same one for a long time. Getting some real experience of your new career choice can help you a lot. It’s a way of easing yourself into the career before jumping in properly.

You could ask for some unpaid work experience at a company that does the kind of thing that you want to get involved with. You should do whatever it takes to gain this experience because it could prove invaluable. You could do some part-time work before entering the job on a full-time basis. It also gives you the chance to see if it’s right for you.