Posted by on Jan 10, 2017 in Business | 0 questions


When we talk about legal protection in business, we usually think of law firms doing the protecting. But law firms are also businesses that need legal protection! If you’re hoping to get into the world of law, either as a business owner, a partner, or just a regular attorney, then this information could be crucial.

Protect the data of your clients

As a law firm, you’re going to have an astonishing amount of private information about your clients. Some may argue that no other institution hold more sensitive information about a given person that a law firm. What you and your client discuss, except in rare and extreme circumstances, is protected by confidentiality laws. If potential clients don’t think they can trust your firm to retain information, then you might as well close shop now.

Many law firms prefer to keep to hard copies when it comes to legal data. Not only can it be easier to protect, but it’s easier to access and share in court! But you’re still going to have your fair share of sensitive information on your firm’s computer network. You need to read up on the important elements of cybersecurity in a law firm. Don’t underestimate the dangers to data security that are out there – the information you have could be targeted by black market merchants or even rival law firms!


Get some legal advice

Wait, what? Why would lawyers need legal advice? This is the mindset that a lot of people have when it comes to this area. But just because someone practices law for a living, it doesn’t mean that they’re going to be the best possible help for their own legal troubles. In fact, trying to take on things by yourself, using your own expertise, can have as damaging an effect on your case as a non-lawyer taking on their own case!

Law firms need their own legal protection in the form of several types of insurance. One of the most important is that of liability insurance. If someone working with your firm doesn’t get the result they wanted, they may be tempted to sue you for malpractice. You need to be ready to protect yourself by working with the right legal experts! You can read more about this here.


Know when confidentiality has to be breached

It’s called client-attorney privilege, and it means you need to keep what your client tells you to yourself! Breaching this confidentiality carries heavy consequences. All it takes is one of your employees doing it once and the reputation of your entire firm may be ruined.

But you probably know that there are instances in which you must breach this confidentiality, much in the same way that doctors and psychiatrists are bound to do. This is a very delicate area, of course, and you need to be 100% sure about the circumstances before you go “blabbing.” Generally, it’s only in severe circumstances that this is required of you. It’s important to remember these scenarios. You also need to be wary of the fact that different states may make some disclosures up to your own discretion.